Calling All Customers
Season: 9
First Shown: 13 May 1983
Once again, the staff has a meeting to come up with ideas to improve sales. Mr. Rumbold is inspired by Mr. Humphries' CB equipment and decides to broadcast a soap-opera/advertising campaign on the CB airwaves. Everyone submits their ideas for a storyline, and the winner is Mr. Harmon's romantic saga, a soap-opera set in 1642. The romantic leads are played by the very miscast Mrs. Slocombe and Mr. Spooner. The taping does not go well at all: no one likes the script, everyone keeps fluffing their lines, and the sound effects are a disaster. When Mr. Humpries (you ever notice that he's always directing these things?) decides to call it a session for the day, the staff learns that all of their antics during taping were being broadcast live. And does it work? Kind of....
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