Fifty Years On
Season: 4
First Shown: 5 May 1976
Mrs. Slocombe's birthday is fast approaching, and she's dropping hints to the staff to that fact. But it seems that getting a celebration for her off the ground will be kind of hard; first, they're having a hard time deciding how much each person should chip in, then they don't know her age. Using her pussy's age, they arrive at the conclusion that she is going to be 50, and they try dropping hints of their own to get her to confirm her real age. Then there's the matter of her real name; not even Miss Brahms knows it, and they need to know it when they sing "Happy Birthday" to her! And of course, there is the matter of the gift, which is solved by getting her something so wonderful and amazing that they won't even let us know what it is! But when the celebration commences, everyone is in for quite a shock....
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